RUNNING SHOES: Basic Guidelines

People run for many different reasons. For some, it gives them a positive energy boost, and it’s an ideal way to keep their weight in check. For others, it’s the buzz of competition, or quite simply, because they enjoy it. One of the first steps to healthy running is wearing supportive running shoes. Neglecting to wear proper footwear can lead to a variety of foot problems that can cause injury and impede performance.

To find the best running shoe, you must first determine your foot type. Are you a  pronator or a supinator, or do you have neutral feet? Pronators have relatively flat feet, leading to overpronation (gait in which the ankle rolls inward excessively). Supinators have high arches, leading to under-pronation (gait in which too much weight is placed on the outside of the feet). And finally, if you have neutral feet, you have a foot that is in-between a flat-foot and high arch foot. For assistance in determining your foot type, consult a podiatric physician. Your podiatrist will perform a gait analysis and provide suggestions about the best running shoe for your foot type. Taking the “wet test” is another way to determine your foot type. To perform this simple test, wet the bottom of each foot and stand normally on a paper bag. After a few seconds, step off and observe the imprint left by your foot.
High Arch      Neutral Arch Flat      Low Arch

Follow these basic guidelines for successful running shoe shopping:

✓✓ Have your feet measured while you’re standing
✓✓ Always try on both shoes and test your running shoes while still in the store
✓✓ Shop for shoes later in the day; feet tend to swell during the day, affecting your shoe size.
✓✓ Buy shoes that don’t pinch your toes, either at the tips or across the toe box.  They must be instantly comfortable, otherwise do not buy them.
✓✓Wear or buy the socks you’ll wear when you run
✓✓ If you wear orthotics, bring them. You need to see how the shoe fits with the orthotic inside.
✓✓ People who are pronators (low/flat arch) should choose a supportive shoe designed for stability and motion control. These shoes help to correct for overpronation.
✓✓ People who have a neutral arch should choose a shoe with equal amounts of stability and cushioning to help absorb shock
✓✓ People who are supinators (high arch) should choose a cushioned running shoe with a softer midsole and more flexibility. These features will compensate for the poor shock absorption of a high-arched foot.

If you suffer from bunions, finding the right running shoe may be a little tricky, but it can be done. Look for shoes that provide soft mesh at the sides for more comfort and cushioning, a wide toe box, and a snug heel for stability. If you are looking for a pair of running shoes that fit your feet? View a complete list of shoes and products with APMA’s Seal of Acceptance. Go to and click on Learn About Feet.

AFP Podiatry, LTD
825 N. ROSELLE RD.                                      ROSELLE, IL. 60172
Phone: (630) 582-1100


AFP Podiatry LTD.                                                          4701 N. Cumberland Ave. Suite 19                      Norridge, Il. 60706                                                        Phone: (708)-867-3338

1. Sheldon H. Nadal, DPM. “Jogging and Running.” Accessed February 4, 2013.
2. The Running Advisor. “How to Choose A Running Shoe.” Accessed February 4, 2013.
3. Running Shoe Reviews and Ratings. “Best Running Shoes for Bunions, Ease Your Bunions Problem and Run
Free.” Accessed February 5, 2013.