Bunion Surgery in Oakbrook, Roselle, and Norridge

Foot ailments can be a major concern, especially since many of us use our feet every day. There are plenty of different issues that arise concerning foot health and development, and it is often important to have any foot problems looked at by a foot doctor or podiatrist in order to get the proper treatment. Here at AFP Podiatry , our podiatrist Dr. Forni can help when it comes to treating foot issues, including bunions. If you need or are considering bunion surgery, Dr. Forni can will provide a diagnosis and offer a variety of surgical options, to help you get back on your feet.

Bunions are not at all uncommon, but the severity of bunions often differs from person to person. A bunion is a problem with the alignment of the bones in the big toe (Hallux) with the bones in the foot. The big toe begins to drift against the smaller toes. In a normal foot, all of the bones in the toes and the foot  align  parallel to each other, resulting in slight spacing between all 5 toes. When the big toe joint begins to drift away, it widens the forefoot and often causes the big toe to become angled 30-90 degrees. This means that the big toe may overlap or lean into the second toe. Often, the widening of the forefoot can make wearing shoes increasingly difficult and uncomfortable. This widening may also cause increased friction and create even more foot problems like corns and other growths. Sometimes, bunions can be treated by changing footwear or with simple therapy, but bunions can become so severe that surgery is needed. Bunion surgery  can be performed by Dr. Forni /AFP Podiatry at Alexian Brothers Hospital and involves moving or sliding the bones back into place.

The ease of the Bunion Slide procedure allows Dr. Forni to realign your foot in whichever direction is necessary with minimal invasiveness. If you are suffering from a bunion, call us at AFP Podiatry to discuss the many bunion surgical options, including bunion slide surgery.

AFP Podiatry – Roselle
825 N. Roselle Rd ( Nerge-Roselle intersection)
Roselle, IL. 60172
Phone: (630) 582-1100  or

4701 N. Cumberland Ave. Suite 19 ( Just South of Lawrence)                                Norridge, Il. 60706

Dr Phillip Forni

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