Norridge Orthopedic Shoes

Are your feet aching? Do you have special health or foot conditions that may call for special shoes or orthotics? If you think this might be the case, or if you are looking for an expert podiatric physician in your area, you will want to visit Dr. Phillip Forni at our office, AFP Podiatry – Norridge. You will have expert care, and be able to obtain Norridge orthotics for greater foot comfort.

Dr. Forni is a board certified podiatric physician from the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and the American Board of Pediatric Medicine. He is a highly-trained expert in the field of Norridge orthotics, Dr. Forni works with each patient as a two-person team so they can together solve the patient’s podiatric problems. He helps his patients get the right kind of orthopedic shoes or orthotics that will help them get pain relief from specific leg, ankle or feet problems. The good news is that today, orthopedic shoes are much more attractive than shoes in years past. And while many people associate orthotics with older people, the truth is that orthotics are needed by people of all ages. Norridge orthotics is not just for the elderly; Dr. Forni treats patients both young and old.

Orthotics generally work by providing greater support for the foot and ankles than traditional footwear does. Special orthopedic shoes can provide relief from specific conditions such as bunions, fallen arches, or hammertoe. There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” orthopedic shoe; each foot or leg condition calls for a specific shoe type. You will want to get Norridge orthotics for relief of any health issue that causes you to experience pain when walking. Dr. Forni also promotes wearing supportive running shoes to help avoid injuries while running. Wearing incorrect footwear can promote foot and leg injuries as well as poor performance. Dr. Forni can help you determine what kind of foot type you have, and be able to suggest the best running shoe for you to use. He will do this by performing what is called a “gait analysis.” So if you are experiencing any foot or ankle pain, or are planning on becoming an avid runner or jogger, you will want to see Dr. Forni at our office. Why not make an appointment today so that you can have comfortable, happy feet!

Norridge Orthotics
4701 N. Cumberland Ave. Suite 19
Norridge, Illinois 60706
Phone: (708) 867-3338

Dr Phillip Forni

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