Author Archives: Dr Phillip Forni

Oakbrook Foot Surgeon

Oakbrook Bunion Slide Technique Dealing with foot problems can be a hassle. Many people use their feet every day and their ability to complete these everyday tasks may rely on their ability to get from place to place with ease. If you have any foot issues, such as bunions, it can be difficult to do […]

Roselle Foot Surgeon

Roselle Bunion Surgery Dealing with bunions can certainly be difficult. They often develop over time and at some point may need surgery or some other kind of treatment so that you can get back on your feet comfortably. Though it is not at all an uncommon foot issue, there are other methods other than the […]

Norridge Bunion Surgeon

 Bunion Treatment in Norridge Dealing with foot issues can certainly be a hassle. When it comes to foot issues, not only are they inconvenient in general, but they can interfere with your everyday routine by making walking and getting around a bit harder than it was before. Bunions are a common foot issue and can […]

Oakbrook Foot Care

Oakbrook Bunion slide procedure A bunion, that bony protrusion that can occur at the base of your big toe where the joint attaches to the foot, may look little but it cause pain and discomfort that’s much bigger. At AFP Podiatry Lombard, we are pleased to offer safe and effective treatment with the bunion slide procedure. […]

Schaumburg Foot and Ankle Care

Schaumburg Kids Foot and Ankle Conditions When it comes to handling kids foot conditions, it’s important to realize that they suffer from many of the same problems that adults do. At AFP Podiatry Roselle, we not only take great pride in our commitment to our Schaumburg foot and ankle care, but also to making the […]

Podiatrist in Norridge

Norridge Ingrown Toenail Treatment Ingrown toenails can be very uncomfortable or even painful. At AFP Podiatry Norridge, we are dedicated to your complete foot health and that includes the diagnosis and treatment of ingrown toenails. It’s important not to ignore them. Left unaddressed, they can lead to complications. Our podiatrist in Norridge can help you to […]

Oakbrook Podiatrist

Swedish technique for bunions in Oakbrook Are you constantly suffering from a large bump on your biggest toe that often rubs against your shoes, feels warm, and appears to be swollen? Believe it or not, this problem may be more severe than you realize. What often looks to be a simple sore from a pair […]

Schaumburg Podiatrist

Swedish technique for bunions in Norridge Do you find yourself in constant pain while you’re on your feet, even just from standing or walking for a short period of time? Our feet are in constant use throughout every day of our lives, and yet they are often neglected in receiving the proper care and attention […]

Norridge Podiatrist

Swedish technique for bunions in Norridge Are you suffering from painful bunions that make it difficult, even impossible, to live your life to the fullest? What begins as an unsightly bump on your big toe can turn into pain that spreads throughout the big toe joint, resulting in swelling, stiffness, and even loss of movement […]

Bunions Treatment in Roselle-Norridge

Foot Doctor in Roselle-Norridge Are you suffering from painful swelling around your big toe every time you get through your work day? The ache your feel is more than just an annoyance, but is in a sign fact a medical condition requiring professional help. Bunions can often start small, as a mild ache or soreness […]

Roselle Heel Pain Treatment

Foot Doctor in Roselle Are you suffering from pain in the heels of your feet which has gone so far as to disrupt your way of life? While over the counter pain medication can work to reduce swelling and alleviate the symptoms, they do not treat the source of the problem. As such, your pain […]

Local Foot Doctor in Norridge

Norridge Podiatrist Are you constantly worried about getting into the shape for fear that you could cause yourself injury, even as you try to work to put your body into peak performance? Working out is just like anything else in life, in addition to proper knowledge, you need the right tools to succeed. Whether you […]

Heal Pain Specialist in Lombard

Lombard Foot Doctor Here at AFP Podiatry – Lombard, some of the most common reasons that patients visit us for treatment are related to heel pain. Some symptoms that bring patients in to visit our heel pain specialist in Lombard include: pain on the bottom of the heel, pain that is usually worse when you […]

Warts Specialist in Roselle

Roselle Podiatrist Here at AFP Podiatry – Roselle, one of the most common conditions that we see in our patients is the development of warts. If you are experiencing foot warts, our warts specialist in Roselle is here to help. A wart is a viral infection that can appear anywhere on the skin, but we treat […]

What Shoes are Best for You in Norridge

Norridge Orthopedics Here at AFP Podiatry – Norridge, your health, comfort, and convenience are of the utmost important to us. If you are interested in learning what shoes are best for you – our Norridge podiatry experts are here to help you. Some of our most successful treatment plans involve a change in the shoes […]

Lombard Warts Specialist

Warts Specialist Our Lombard warts specialist explains to our patients that warts are caused by a viral infection in the top layer of your skin. Yes, warts on your skin can be passed to another person when that person touches the warts. You can also get warts from using towels or other objects that were […]

Remove Warts in Roselle

Wart Removal Plantar warts develop in the outer layer of your skin on the soles of your feet, caused by an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). At AFP Podiatry Roselle, our specialist knows that more than 100 types of HPV exist, but only a few cause plantar warts on your feet. Everyone’s immune system […]

Warts Treatment in Norridge

Warts Expert Contrary to popular belief, you can’t get warts from a frog. Providing warts treatment in Norridge, our experts at AFP Podiatry Norridge explains that warts are actually caused by a viral infection in the top layer of your skin. Warts are non-cancerous, epidermal growths, usually occurring on your hands and feet. Although most […]